CATEGORY: visualization

Data Visualization: A New Trend for Industries

Data Visualization: A New Trend for Industries

Why is data visualization such a powerful tool for industries? Ironically, you can thank your prehistoric ancestors for the skill in identifying and deriving meaning from visual patterns at the heart of modern data visualization tools. Just as our ancestors learned to key in on subtle visual cues that suggested the presence of predators, prey or competitors, so too do today’s data scientists use[…]

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Four Exciting Data Visualization Benefits for Healthcare

Four Exciting Data Visualization Benefits for Healthcare

Healthcare is a constantly evolving field, and medical professionals are always looking for new ways to improve the patient experience and streamline their data processes. They're able to do this with the huge transition to electronic medical records, shared systems, and data visualization. Not only does it give medical professionals so much more information at their fingertips, but it also[…]

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