How do I love my data? Let me count the ways.0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101…
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There was a joke in the Soviet Union that asked - How can anyone predict the future when it's so hard to predict the past? While it was referring to the revisionist historical practices of the Communist Party, there is some truth about how the past changes.
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This New Year, the new bill promises to protect your data from all odds. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) gives control over the data if people know how to take advantage of it. Do not wait till the end, stand up on your toes to see every bit of CCPA for your business. CCPA is giving power to consumers over their data.
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Why is data visualization such a powerful tool for industries? Ironically, you can thank your prehistoric ancestors for the skill in identifying and deriving meaning from visual patterns at the heart of modern data visualization tools. Just as our ancestors learned to key in on subtle visual cues that suggested the presence of predators, prey or competitors, so too do today’s data scientists use[…]
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Big data analytics can seem like a large undertaking, but the potential value of a strong analytics strategy can bring benefits to your organization across several departments. This value does not always come in large sums, but rather can be seen in small amounts of value hidden in large amounts of data.
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