In recent years, big data analytics powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning have moved from a luxury affordable only for giant corporations to a business-critical capability that virtually any business can afford.
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Digital transfromation in banks or for that matter the industry of financial services are going through radical changes as like any other industry. Not long ago, every banking action required physically visit a bank and have a face to face interaction with the professional behind the counter. However, this had started to change from the 80's with the introduction of automated teller machines. On[…]
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Black Friday and Cyber Monday are those days of the year where customers purchase products at very affordable prices. But what is in it for the businesses that are selling the products at such low prices and more importantly how are they arriving at those exact prices for the products on sale? Unassuming answer is Big Data analytics. Big Data and predictive analytics have their hands in all kinds[…]
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Big Data is all retailers want for Christmas. The way we see Big Data has evolved in an unprecedented way. Big Data is everywhere and most importantly in marketing. The ease to analyse your customer trends and make helpful insights out of the digital trial your customer leaves is where Big Data really shines.
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Microservices are the new rage among software developers today. It is seen to have a natural fitment with apps that run on Cloud and with Software-as-a-Service (Saas) apps.
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