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IoT Trends and its Predictions in 2020

IoT Trends and its Predictions in 2020

We all aware of IoT proliferated in 2019 and succeeded in taking its position in this competitive world of technology. In 2020, IoT is a sensation again due to its extreme use cases in enterprises and also cementing a strong bond towards business operations. This year, it will hit mainly four components: Sensors, Networks, Analytics, and Applications. IoT and smart devices already increasing the[…]

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Trends Molding the Cloud in 2020

Trends Molding the Cloud in 2020

IT is evolving drastically in the coming years. If we focus on the past few years, change is visible and efficient for enterprises. Enterprises are driving towards the changing deck of tools and technologies rapidly. Cloud is the top technology, enterprise relying on and using as a service to double the ROI over the next three years. Cloud as a platform providing innovation to transform smartly[…]

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How AI is Driving the Digital Transformation

How AI is Driving the Digital Transformation

Businesses are changing rapidly with their choices in the usage of technologies; AI is the one among those. AI can serve as a complete tool with agility and accuracy as it aid digital transformation enthusiastically. According to researchers in the coming year's figure is going to be in trillions worldwide, the way businesses investing in technologies and services. AI with Digital Transformation[…]

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How Smart Manufacturing is an Advantage in Digital World

How Smart Manufacturing is an Advantage in Digital World

Many new digital technologies IoT, AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, RPA is transforming manufacturing businesses drastically in an advanced way named “Smart Factory.” Industry 4.0, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Factory—all are the same words representing the digital era phenomenally. Digital technologies are connecting dots and embracing manufacturing industry into Smart Factory with extensive[…]

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The CCPA is Effective. Are You Aware of all the facts?

The CCPA is Effective. Are You Aware of all the facts?

This New Year, the new bill promises to protect your data from all odds. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) gives control over the data if people know how to take advantage of it. Do not wait till the end, stand up on your toes to see every bit of CCPA for your business. CCPA is giving power to consumers over their data.

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