Today’s cloud service is more than an application. It also often includes microservices such as load balancing, autoscaling and remote storage. Different cloud platforms handle these functions in different ways, with their own APIs and architectures. They also rarely offer native service discovery, which enables applications to identify and locate databases and other dependent services.
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With the growth of microservices – essentially, designing applications as a collection of individual services rather than One Big Thing – some developers are turning to a development methodology known as “twelve-factor app development” to inform their architecture strategy.
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Legacy systems handle mission-critical functions in organizations of all sizes in every industry. They live on for a variety of reasons, but overwhelmingly their continued existence boils down to the belief that replacing them with modern tools would cause more disruption and incur more cost than it would be worth. The assumption in that calculation is that someday the cost of the legacy tool[…]
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Application modernization is a big trend, and an increasing number of organizations are coming to recognize the benefits they can receive from modernizing their legacy tools. Here are 10 reasons why app modernization is a hit in 2019:
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Legacy systems lurk in the back rooms and overlooked crannies of many organizations, consuming an outsized portion of IT resources for maintenance and upkeep as technology passes them by. But while many of these applications have survived through a combination of neglect, opportunity cost and avoidance, many are finally facing modernization thanks to the pressures of broader digital enterprise[…]
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