AUTHOR: rsrit

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How can you accelerate your digital transformation journey with data integration?

How can you accelerate your digital transformation journey with data integration?

Digital transformation is something we talk a lot about here at Reliable Software, and for good reason. It’s a business strategy that integrates the broadest possible array of channels, functions and processes into a coherent and constantly-evolving whole. When done effectively, digital transformation positions organizations to identify and take advantage of new opportunities while finding new[…]

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Best practices and process of data integration

Best practices and process of data integration

The era of Big Data is in many ways the era of data integration. While some organization could theoretically be fortunate enough to have end-to-end control over all relevant data, in the real world data comes from a variety of sources, in a variety of formats, and at varying speeds. The process of bringing all that data together into an integrated whole is known as data integration, and doing it[…]

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How to Effectively Communicate While Working Remotely

How to Effectively Communicate While Working Remotely

Working remotely or telecommuting, is an important part of today's working environment. Unrestricted by the traditional nine to five work day, working remotely is characterized by a flexible work schedule with the added advantage of reduced pressure to make your presence felt. Working remotely is an arrangement where employees don’t commute to a place of work, be it office building, warehouse or[…]

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Reliable Software Tech Talk: What is DevOps?

There are a lot of questions application development and operations teams ask themselves on a daily basis. From “how can we release on time?” to “how can we add new features into the release seamlessly?” Luckily, the same simple answer can apply to each of these: Embrace DevOps.

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How to Manage Data Chaos in Healthcare Industry

How to Manage Data Chaos in Healthcare Industry

Healthcare is one of the vital sectors in which a country’s development and growth rate gets determined. There is no need to explain the quantity of data (both structured and unstructured) that this sector produces. With excessive flow of data, a chaotic condition is created throughout the world due to the prevalence of different types of data sourcing tools.

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