AUTHOR: rsrit

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Reliable Software Tech Talk on Modern Analytics and Data Warehouse Architecture

Modern Analytics concerns the merger of analysis methodology and data interpretation using technology and techniques. It is used to handle the challenges faced by data analytics and ultimately make it more agile and accessible to anyone. A modern analytics environment is characterized by ease in deployment and management and is essentially cloud friendly. Whether it is structured or unstructured[…]

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Tips to Accomplish Your New Year Resolution

Tips to Accomplish Your New Year Resolution

Once you get up on the morning of January 1st (after partying through the night of December 31st) you may wish to start the New Year on a happy note by focusing on achieving goals you set for yourself as New Year Resolutions. You smartly decide on certain goals that you think you can achieve during the year, and then strive hard towards them.

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Reliable Software Tech Talk on Software Life cycle Model

Software Lifecycle Model talks about the various phases of software lifecycle and the order in which the phases are to be executed. Each company can choose its own software lifecycle model, but truth is requirement gathering, elicitation analysis, solution and validation is common for all the models. There are several types of software lifecycle models with each having their own set of advantage[…]

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Reliable Software and Dynatrace Partner to automate IT operations in DevOps environments

Reliable Software and Dynatrace Partner to automate IT operations in DevOps environments

Dynatrace will enable a modern approach to software monitoring and management for users of Reliable Software’s DevOps as a Service Solution

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Reliable Software Tech Talk on APIs & Microservices

Web services utilizes a standardized medium to propagate communication between a client and server application on the world wide web. Web services are software modules designed to perform a certain task. Web services provides common platform that allows applications built with different programming languages to communicate with each other. There are 2 types of web services including SOAP web[…]

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