Today’s cloud service is more than an application. It also often includes microservices such as load balancing, autoscaling and remote storage. Different cloud platforms handle these functions in different ways, with their own APIs and architectures. They also rarely offer native service discovery, which enables applications to identify and locate databases and other dependent services.
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Hospitals have made great progress with reducing readmissions. The effort is not over. As KHN reports:
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AI, the new ingredient for success in Healthcare
The influx of technology in the healthcare, particularly Electronic Health Records (EHR) changed both services delivery and patient experience. However, the entry of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will change the game altogether.
The improvements of technology over the decades have made[…]
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COVID19 had a once in a lifetime (hopefully) impact on Hospitals in the United States As the vaccinations continue to roll out and new cases decline, an issue is beginning to emerge.
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Businesses across boarder generate large volumes of data which is now seen as a priceless asset worldwide. Companies have not shied away from investing their time in storing these large amounts of data which could generate impactful insights resulting in a sound decision-making. However, subjecting this data to analysis furthermore demands effective management. Data warehouses, being large and[…]
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