Today, more than ever, companies are taking advantage of cloud computing to reduce IT infrastructure costs, improve scalability and increase efficiency in application development. As this trend continues across industries like healthcare, a variety of solutions have surfaced to meet the demand, each with their own set of benefits and potential pitfalls.
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What’s the secret to successful application releases and updates? Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) is the core of a DevOps culture, and the first step to success. CI is the process of developers and testers collaborating to validate and integrate new code, while CD is the process of continuously creating new changes for quick release. CD is made possible by cloud[…]
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What is success and what does it look like? These are big questions that can be difficult to answer.
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Big data is becoming an integral part of nearly every organization and business. It’s spreading so rapidly, organizations are finding it difficult to manage with a limited number of data science professionals. Enter self-service analytics.
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Convenience. Efficiency. Automation. These three words accurately describe the “why” behind Internet of Things strategies. Although the healthcare industry has been a bit slower to adopt the IoT than other industries, the technology is ready to transform the way we keep people healthy. As the demand for solutions to lower costs continue to increase, technology can help monitor, inform and notify[…]
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