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Ansible devops program gets upgraded

Ansible devops program gets upgraded

DevOps (development and operations) is an initiative in software development which is used to mean a type of deft association between development and IT processes. The objective of DevOps is to alter and upgrade the association by recommending more communication and cooperation between these two business companies.

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Digging for Metrics

Digging for Metrics

My grandfather was a coal miner.  At one point, the company paid the workers based on how far they progressed (dug) into a coal seam.  The idea was to provide them an incentive to be more productive.

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The Paradox of Skill

How much success can be attributed to skill or luck?

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The Perpetual Motion of Analytics

The Perpetual Motion of Analytics

One of the primary purposes of Analytics is to learn something about an organization. Like all learning, it never ends.  An answer leads to new questions.

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Advanced Analytics Or Neanderthalytics?

Advanced Analytics Or Neanderthalytics?

For thousands of years, two Hominid species existed simultaneously – Humans and Neanderthals.  There are no Neanderthals today (though some in Customer Service may argue differently).  There are several theories as to why the Neanderthals are extinct despite the remarkable similarities in abilities between the two species.

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